Closing Dialogue - FB Event v3.5.png


The hash.peace Conversation Series (HPCS) Closing Dialogue is a platform to present the findings of the various events under HPCS. The dialogue aims to consolidate the discussions held over the month-long HPCS, and to present and further discuss the ideas and solutions proposed by the participants who attended the various HPCS events to an invited guest-of-honour. 

This dialogue is also an effort by hash.peace in furtherance of our goal of Sustainable Social Harmony. We hope to explore and embark on this uncomfortable journey in learning, unlearning, and relearning our approaches and mindsets about racial and religious harmony. The objectives of the closing dialogue are:

  • To provide a platform to critically evaluate and discuss the solutions proposed by participants who attended the previous events under HPCS, and to subsequently provide recommendations to the relevant stakeholders on the implementation of these ideas.

  • To allow for a general discussion on the state of social harmony in our society, and to evaluate whether our society is going in the right direction.


The 2021 Closing Dialogue will be a space where we engage in dialogue about the current state of racial and religious harmony in Singapore and explore questions such as:

  • Are we still going in the right direction? What is the “right direction”? Where do we want to see ourselves in the future?

  • How can we as a society move forward together and improve our current situation? How do we remain a dialogic society, where all can partake in the conversation(s)?

  • What are the roles that various stakeholders, such as government, civil society, citizens, businesses, play in social harmony? How do international developments affect our state of racial and religious harmony?